Fighting Spam - techniques and software to help protect yourself from unsolited email broadcasts    
Spam Alert! Helping you prevent spam!

Fighting Spammers - AntiSpam is the Solution

According to the Radicati report 53 percent of corporate e-mail traffic -- and 74 percent of consumer e-mail traffic -- is spam. In total, spam at the moment comprises 57 percent of worldwide e-mail traffic. And that percentage is only going to go up. Imagine opening up your email, and actually only getting the email you want, without all the garbage.

There are options available.

In fact, there are a wide selection of different anti-spam softwares available today for the frustrated computer user to use. Here is a list of the products avaible, some of their features, and how they stack up.

Mailwasher Anti Spam Software
The Reliable Free Spam BlockerReliable anti spam and spam blocker software, protect your computer from unwanted email spam. Control spam and stop viruses before you download them.

McAfee SpamKiller Anti-Spam Software
Easiest to use anti-Spam tool available to Windows users. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]

Cloudmark - Anti Spam and Spam Blocker Solutions
Cloudmark: a company that stops spam and fraud before it costs you money. Cloudmark's groundbreaking, peer-to-peer (P2P) solution (initially Vipul's Razor) ...

Qurb Anti-Spam Software
PC Magazine Editors' Choice Best Anti ...Anti-spam software for Microsoft Outlook that uses an approved sender list rather than content-based filters.

ChoiceMail - Anti Spam Filter Software and Email Firewall.
A good spam filter software can differentiate between legitimate email and spam email. Try our free spam blocker for personal use.

An anti-spam software application that runs on your desktop. It can stop over 98% of unwanted spam mail.

Spam filter, Email Filtering and Anti-Spam SoftwareMailMate is a client-side anti-spam software. It is as if a filtering net has been added between your email server and email client software, ...

Kaspersky Personal Security Suite 1.0
This suite offers antivirus, firewall, and antispam protection. The three modules aren't integrated with each other; in fact, ...

SpamCatcher 4
SpamCatcher uses a variety of techniques to identify spam, but it substantially slows the downloading of mail in Outlook.

OnlyMyEmail Personal
OnlyMyEmail Personal is a near-ideal solution to the spam problem. It works with any e-mail client.

InBoxer 2.0
If you like a hands-on approach to spam blocking and want to know why a given message was blocked or allowed, InBoxer 2 may be for you.

Vanquish Anti-Spam 3.0
Vanquish's Smart Subject and SurfMatch features solve problems most whitelist-based antispam products don't.

Symantec Brightmail Antispam
a high performance software solution that blocks spam at the Internet gateway.

Norton AntiSpam 2005
Norton AntiSpam 2005 works hard to separate spam from valid mail so hard that it sometimes seems a bit sluggish.

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